
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Giveaway Time!! - Contest Closed

What makes a great blog? 
Is it the content? Is it the photos?  Maybe its the followers that leave wonderful comments to make a person want to continue writing....
I have to suspect that it is all of these things and more.

I received a copy of this great cupcake book, Crazy About Cupcakes which details so many wonderful ideas for flavors, frosting's, decorating tips and more. 
I have used a few of the recipes already and have dogeared many more.  Don't worry, I won't be giving you MY copy!

This is a brand new, never been used copy just for you! It was purchased at Kohl's and I find it relevant to tell you that the proceeds from sales of this book has gone to support kids' health and education initiatives.  Maybe I can get Kohl's to sponsor my next giveaway?

I want to give back to you, the reader, and because cupcakes are superfantabulous!

To the one's that are following me publicly, I love you, you make me realize I am not writing into thin air and this is for you!

For those that read the posts randomly, or have bookmarked my page to come back to whenever you think about it, I love you too - I really really do, however we are a networking community.
I'd like to see and feel your love and I am sure the others who follow would like to know you and your recipes too, so please follow along, it really is very sinple - button is on the right hand side of the page :) click away!


You will need to comment on this post only, detailing your favorite cupcake creation or recipe (you may post a link from something you have created or another website you have used if you wish, but that's more for everyone's enjoyment, it won't help you win).
You can also include how many friends/family you will be sending this giveaway notice to - no pressure....


One entry per follower. 
This giveaway is only available to be shipped in the US and Canada, if you are an international follower I would be more than happy to send it to a friend for you in CA or the US.
The contest will be open until May 15, 2011.
The winner will be contacted through the site and revealed by blog post in the days following, indicating their winning comment and a plug to follow them!

Thanks for being great fellow foodies!


  1. My mother makes the most WONDERFUL chocolate cream cheese cupcakes. The cake is chocolate and there's about a tablespoon of a cream cheese and chocolate chip mixture dropped in, so it's like a WAAAAY better version of a Hostess cupcake. I need to get that recipe, come to think of it!

  2. Ooooh, this book looks like it's loaded with drool-worthy photos!! I once made chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting; one of the best flavour combos ever! I haven't made cupcakes in a while, come to think of it. But with two little ones I see a lot of school bake sales in my future!

  3. Well I happen to like cupcakes...however my daughter LOVES them! She is 11 some to be 12 years old and has just started her own blog all about cupcakes. :)

    ( would love to give this to her!)

    Now back to what's REALLY important...I make this to DIE for Filled Key Lime Cupcake. Of course it has Cream Cheese couldn't it?

  4. favorite cupcake changes any week. This week it's French Toast Cupcakes with Maple Buttercream Frosting and Bacon Sprinkles. Cupcakes for breakfast!!!

  5. I have a recipe for Cinnamon Graham Cracker cupcakes that are sooo yummy! I LOVE making cupcakes (and cakes, and pies, and pastries. . . ) and would love a cookbook just for cupcakes!! Ha!

  6. Hello my new foodbuzz friend!! Awesome blog, and a giveaway?? So cool. Well, my favorite cupcakes are...all of them. But most recently it's Kahlua Chocolate Cupcakes w/ Kahlua Buttercream frosting. HERE>>>>

    Cheers! I'm your newest follower! *Kelly

  7. Cute! Who doesn't love cupcakes?! One of my favorite recipes is for cupcake cone that I made with my mini sous chef. Pretty simple recipe, but fun to put together and eat!

  8. My favorite cupcake creation was a homemade carrot cake with cream cheese icing I made from a couple recipes I found on - they were SO moist and I think I could have just eaten spoonfulls of the icing - LOVE cream cheese icing! :D I will definitely post the link to your giveaway on Facebook - good luck to everyone! :)

  9. I am quite possibly the world's worst baker, but I have managed to perfect one chocolate cupcake recipe with chocolate chips and chocolate buttercream frosting. Not that I like chocolate or anything!

    (By the way, I was very confused and thought that I may have slept through 2 weeks of life when I saw the date on this post...then I realized what was going on. ha.)

  10. Enjoying your blog from TK. I am still trying to perfect my Boston Cream Pie me it's a work in progress! :) Have a lovely day!
